Modern Mobile Digital Media Company Limited التطبيقات

彭博商業周刊繁體中文版 3.3.1
Good Life HK 2.8.2
May 2014, Modern Media Group, cooperating withIDEAT Editons, is proud to launch a new media platform 《The GoodLife》. Originated from France, The Good Life is positioned as the"the first hybrid magazine: business and lifestyle" in anunconventional "Mook" format—magazine/book, providing in-depthreading like a book yet full of inspirations and recreations aswell like a magazine.The 300 pages Mook with high quality content is made up ofseveral sections: the good news, the good world, the good trips,the good look, the good toy and the good vibration, etc. Combininglocal Chinese perspective, The Good Life shows the changing aroundthe world from all dimensions while spreading positive and hedonistattitude.The iPad & iPhone application will be updated at the sametime with the publication of “The Good Life” magazine and will beregularly updated to keep you informed and connected with theworld.May 2014, Modern MediaGroup, cooperating with IDEAT Editons, is proud to launch a newmedia platform "The Good Life" Originated from France, The GoodLife is positioned as the. "The first hybrid magazine: business andlifestyle" in an unconventional "Mook" format-magazine / book,providing in-depth reading like a book yet full of inspirations andrecreations as well like a magazine.The 300 pages Mook with high quality content is made up ofseveral sections: the good news, the good world, the good trips,the good look, the good toy and the good vibration, etc. Combininglocal Chinese perspective, The Good Life shows the changing aroundthe world from all dimensions while spreading positive and hedonistattitude.The iPad & iPhone application will be updated at the sametime with the publication of "The Good Life" magazine and will beregularly updated to keep you informed and connected with theworld.
iWeekly 世界公民行动读本 3.0.4
全新iWeekly forAndroid版进化空前,结合指尖出众互动,精致图文跃然欲出。每日奉上环球视野、独家故事、智趣观点和名家专栏,可掌中观世界,一指知天下。*为何选择全新iWeekly for Android版:01. 五百万精英读者选择的最优中文新媒体;02. 免费高速下载,无须注册;03. 丰富内容每日更新。如您在使用中遇到任何问题,请电话联系 4006090720 或发送邮件至 service@iweeklyapp.com我们的用户协议:隐私条款:
iWeekly全球媒体今日头条精选 1.0.2
精选每日全球媒体头条新闻,风云变幻的国际时事,一次展现在你眼前。最快速便捷,与世界连线的通路。BBC,华尔街日报,金融时报,读卖新闻…每天三分钟,掌中观世界,一指知天下。Featured daily globalmedia headlines, the ever-changing international affairs, a show infront of you. Most rapid and convenient, and the world to connectpathways. BBC, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Yomiuri ...three minutes a day, palm view of the world, a means to know theworld.
iArt 艺术新闻 2.5.1
《艺术新闻/中文版》(The Art Newspaper China)追踪报道全球艺术界,这一全球艺术专业人士、收藏家、金融投资和相关法律人士的必读艺术媒体, 也将帮助中国艺术从业者和商业精英理解和洞悉全球艺术界的最新动态。秉承多年来不断推进文化艺术发展的社会使命, 现代传播集团与 The Art Newspaper 的国际出版方 UmbertoAllemandi 出版社在 2013 年 3 月合作推出《艺术新闻/中文版》(The Art Newspaper China),为精英读者献上一份国际权威的艺术读物。《艺术新闻/中文版》移动版与印刷版刊物同期推出,让艺术圈内人与爱好者能通过移动设备快速获得艺术与收藏资讯。
The Good Life优仕生活 2.0.1
现代传播集团与法国IDEATEditions集团合作,于2014年5月推出新刊物平台《The Good Life优仕生活》。源自法国的《The GoodLife优仕生活》定位“第一本商业生活化的混合型杂志”,以颠覆传统杂志模式的“杂志书”(Mook)为呈现形式,像书一样提供大量深度内容,又如杂志一般兼具启发性和娱乐性。杂志每期提供300页高品质内容,分为“好消息”、“好世界”、“好旅程”、“好形象”、“好玩意”、“好共鸣”等版块,结合中国视角并以360度展示全球变化,同时宣扬积极正面的快乐主义生活方式。《The Good Life优仕生活》 移动版与印刷版刊物同期推出并定期更新,让您即刻掌握世界动态。Modern Media Group andFrench IDEAT Editions group cooperation, in May 2014 launched a newpublication platform for "The Good Life You Shi life." From France,"The Good Life You Shi life" positioning "the first of thecommercial life of the hybrid magazine" to subvert the traditionalmagazine model "magazine book" (Mook) is presented in the form,like a book offers a lot of depth content , and if the magazine isgenerally both enlightening and entertaining.Magazine each issue to provide 300 high-quality content, dividedinto "Good News," "Good World", "good journey", "good image","marvel", "good resonance" and other sections, combined withChina's perspective and to 360 degree show global change, whilepromoting positive hedonistic lifestyle."The Good Life You Shi-life" movement and in printedpublications and regularly update introduced the same period,allowing you to instantly grasp the world dynamics.
IDEAT理想家 1.0.1
iLady365 2.5.6

现在下载iLady365,一起实践对美的追求、对生活的渴望和对爱的期待,成为真正的「优雅生活家」。欢迎你将意见与建议发送至。 ---最新特性:1.推出精英女性社区优家荟板块2.支持线下活动和试用活动报名3.用户界面及性能体验优化
LOHAS 乐活 3.2
「LOHAS 乐活」每日为你推选关于衣、食、住、行、养、乐、美的乐活生活方式,并在每月精选来自《LOHAS乐活》月刊的精彩内容,然后以专为移动设备进行优化的格式提供。LOHAS 即 Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability。这概念早在 1999年便是由美国社会学者 Paul Ray 著书提出,以一个英文简写 LOHAS来概括这个新兴的消费者族群的生活方式。其实所谓LOHAS,我们的意思是希望推崇一种健康的,同时能兼顾到现在人们经常挂在口头的可持续性发展概念的生活方式。《LOHAS 乐活》杂志创办自 2008年,旨在为当代都市人提供健康、自然且节能的生活方式建议。杂志理念为「共生永续,乐享生活」。杂志崇尚自然天然、东方审美的永续生活,在健康、舒适和快乐的氛围引导下,帮助当代忙碌的都市人拥有自己的生活信仰。LOHAS magazine was published in 2007 by Modern Media Group.It\u2019s the first and only LOHAS lifestyle oriented magazine inChina. It proposes to Chinese consumers to live in a healthy andfashionable lifestyle, starting from changing of their consumptionbehaviors and shopping choices. LOHAS features charity, environmentprotection and sustainable development. It recommends LOHASclothes, food, decoration, transportation, healthy products forliving and beauty.我们的隐私条款:
iWeather 1.0.8
iWeather支持国内外3000多个城市天气预报、支持支持空气污染指数,并且支持天气短信分享和世界各地摄影师精美作品分享,提供全新生活出行体验!iWeather采用权威数据源信息可靠;iWeather support athomeand abroad more than 3000 weather forecasts for cities tosupportthe API support, and support for SMS weather photographersaroundthe world to share and exquisite works of sharing, to providea newlife travel experiences! iWeather using authoritative datasourceinformation is reliable;
非常號外 1.1
作為香港歷史最悠久的月刊,自1976年開始,《號外》39年來都走在時代最前,帶領著城市潮流和時尚文化,成為香港最具先鋒性的雜誌之一。《號外》不單止伴隨著香港的成長,同時見證了香港的轉變,絕對是最能代表這個城市生活生態的雜誌。由《號外》推出的手機應用程式「VERYCITY」,內容將涵蓋專題故事、藝術、文化、社會、設計、時裝以及生活時尚七大類別,精彩內容每週更新,務求成為每個人都能掌握在手的「AttitudeandStyle Manual」,啟發你對生活的無限想像。As Hong Kong'soldestmagazine, since 1976, "Extra" 39 years of age are walking infront,leading the fashion trends and cultural city, Hong Kong hasbecomeone of the most avant-garde magazine. "Extra" not only withthegrowth of Hong Kong, at the same time witnessed thetransformationof Hong Kong, is definitely the most representativeof thiseco-city life magazines.From "Extra" launched mobile phone application "VERY CITY"willcover feature story, updated artistic, cultural, social,design,fashion and lifestyle of the seven categories, excitingcontentevery week, to ensure that everyone can become a master inHand's"Attitude and Style Manual" inspire you unlimited imaginationtolife.
彭博商業周刊繁体版 3.4.7
《彭博商業周刊》繁體中文版(BloombergBusinessweekChinese)是一本為大中華商業精英量身定制的國際商業雜誌,借助彭博社(Bloomberg)遍布全球 72個國家與地區的 146個記者站與 2,300多名新聞和多媒體專業人員,以及一流本土採編團隊,提供即時及富有洞見的原創商業報道, 助您在全球範圍內更好地發現與把握投資與商業機遇。 《彭博商業周刊/中文版》注重新聞性、前瞻性、深度和觀點,以洞見和趣味服務於全球化新經濟時代的讀者。 精心設計的《彭博商業周刊/中文版》iPhone/iPad版不只是一本周刊 ,而是助您擁有國際視野,在全球化時代保持領先、不跟隨的流動商業智慧。除了每日為您推送來自彭博社(Bloomberg)的新鮮財經商業資訊外,《彭博商業周刊/中文版》iPhone/iPad版整合多媒體技術,為您帶來印刷版內容外更具互動性的內容及《彭博商業周刊/中文版》讀者專屬的頂級商業活動資訊。